Yellow Horned Poppy coaster from an original design.

£5.50 inc. tax

I found a stunningly beautiful plant growing in the sun on a shingle beach in Sussex and when I Googled it I discovered it was called a Yellow Horned Poppy, which grows almost exclusively on shingle beaches

It is a species which has declined in numbers due to loss of shingle beach habitat. However, locally it can be quite common growing in clusters of plants. The yellow horned poppy is protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. This means it is a protected species and so must not be picked from the wild- but  the good news is that you can buy a coaster featuring my design of this lovely flower!  The same sea poppy design is also available as an original hand coloured print in our shop and we have some other flower designs as well so just 'flower' into the search bar to see those. 

Price covers one coaster and postage within the UK; your coaster may be dispatched in recycled packaging as we do our best to re-use packing materials where we can.

We are animal lovers and have spent many years involved in wildlife rescue and so we will donate 10% of the profit from the sale of this item to wildlife rescue in the UK.
Product Condition: New
Product Code: YHPC



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