This plea for pleasantness is a yellow Fruit of the Loom cotton t shirt, hand printed with vegan inks.
The t shirt can be printed either with simply 'BEE NICE' or with the added 'OR BUZZ OFF' underneath.
Bees pollinate our world- please be nice to bees also and please don't steal their honey, they work really hard for it!
All t shirts are hand printed to order and thus will *not* be delivered by drone 30 minutes after you have placed your order. :)
In any case, it's the females, not the drones, that do all the work.. ;-)
This design is also available as a yellow tote bag.
NB. From March 2020, after 8 years of raising money to save badgers, as well as hundeds of pounds for Sussex wildlife rescue, Sussex, Kent and National fox rescue, Sea Shepherd, farmed animal sanctuaries, dog rescue etc etc we will be broadening our focus and instead of selling benefit designs specific to different causes will now be donating 10% of ALL our profits from website sales to help independent wildlife rescue. The only exception to this is our Cheshire Against the Cull design from which we will still continue to donate £5.00 from each sale to this worthy group.
Please note that if you are ordering from abroad I will have to add on what the postage costs to send overseas as the free postage is only within the U.K.
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